Articles on Borderline Personality Disorder
is Borderline Personality Disorder?
Although this disorder has a high profile, particularly in the media,
there is often confusion about what this condition really is. As it
is one of the most common of the personality disorders, manifesting
in roughly 15% of the population, let's firstly investigate some of
the classic symptoms of borderline personality disorder... (Read
Borderline Personality
Disorder: Causes and Treatment
Borderline Personality Disorder is one of the most common of the personality
disorders, affecting approximately 15% of the population. Sufferers
typically indulge in intense but stormy relationships, have difficulty
exerting control over their emotions, display marked impulsivity in
their behaviors, fear abandonment and may indulge in self-harming behaviors
and suicidal thoughts... (Read
Borderline Personality
Disorder: Diagnostic criteria
The term "Borderline Personality Disorder" is often bandied
about by the media and laymen alike. Many of the behaviors that constitute
the disorder are common to other disorders and indeed, normal human
behavior. However for an accurate diagnosis to be made, a person must
exhibit a pervasive pattern of instability in personal relationships,
self esteem, and moods, in addition to marked impulsivity in behavior
which typically begins in early adulthood... (Read
Being the Child
of a Parent with Borderline Personality Disorder
In this article, we will be addressing the experience of being a child
brought up by an adult with BPD, and the emotional damage that may result
from growing up in such an environment... (Read
The Aging Borderline
Personality Disorder Sufferer
Previously we have looked at the story of Kerri, who suffers from borderline
personality disorder (BPD) as well as Anna, who was the daughter of
a sufferer of this condition. Today, we will be looking at the aging
BPD sufferer, because although the criteria for a clinical diagnosis
remains the same for all ages, the ways in which this disorder manifests
can change over time as the sufferer ages... (Read
Borderline Personality
Disorder: Kerri's Story
Most people on first meeting Kerri might come away thinking that she
is vivacious, intelligent and caring. However, it doesn't take too many
meetings with Kerri to realize that something is just not right... (Read
Borderline Personality
Disorder: Hope for Kerri
We looked at the day-to-day problems of living with borderline personality
disorder (BPD) and focused on the lifestyle of Kerri, a vivacious yet
erratic 39-year-old woman who lived life on a knife's edge. Kerri experienced
periods of relative emotional stability but the periods of normality
were always tenuous and could easily be displaced whenever an event
occurred that threatened Kerri's emotional security. She feared being
abandoned, yet sought love in the wrong places... (Read
Living with a
Parent with Borderline Personality Disorder
It's not easy living with any person who suffers from emotional instability
but it is particularly difficult when you are a child in that situation.
In fact, even when you are an adult, it can still be difficult to cope
with such a parent. This is particularly the case with Borderline Personality
Borderline Personality
Disorder: Joanie’s Story
In our continuing series on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) (see
links below), we will look today at the story of Joanie. Joanie began
to display the initial symptoms of BPD when she was in her late teens
but was not formally diagnosed with the disorder for several years...
(Read more)
Michelle: A Study of Borderline
Personality Disorder
Like many people with borderline personality disorder (BPD), Michelle
is initially engaging and personable at first meeting. She has a deep
need to be liked by those she sees as her betters, and therefore is
compliant with those she reveres. Hence she appears to be easy to get
on with, and helpful and willing to please. But it doesn’t take
long for most of Michelle’s endeavours to flounder, both personally
and in the workplace, due to her BPD... (Read
Mothers with Borderline
Personality Disorder
Lillian is an excellent example of how borderline personality disorder
(BPD) can affect an entire family, as well as causing extreme unhappiness
to the individual. Lillian is in her mid-40s and the younger of two
daughters. Although personality disorders are not formally diagnosed
until adulthood, the subtle signs are present by the late teens and
Lillian’s heavy drinking and promiscuous activities left her pregnant
at 19... (Read more)