Articles on Sexual Harassment and Assault
Coping with Sexual Harassment
and Assault (1)
Sexual assault in all its forms occurs across all age groups and in
both genders. Unlike the stereotyped "rape" scenario, sexual
assault is rarely carried out by strangers... (Read
with Sexual Harassment and Assault (2)
Sexual assault cuts across gender and racial boundaries causing distress
to both sufferers and their loved ones. When sexual assault occurs,
it often turns the life of the victim upside down as they struggle to
deal with a raft of mixed emotions... (Read
with Sexual Harassment and Assault (3)
Last blog, we looked at many of the emotions that a person encounters
after a sexual assault. Guilt, anger, denial, a feeling of contamination,
anxiety, depression: all combine to make the post-assault period a very
stressful time... (Read
with Sexual Harassment and Assault (4)
Jane was a victim of date rape. Sian was sexually assaulted by her boss.
Both women suffered enormously from their ordeal, but the way in which
they dealt with the event differed in one significant way... (Read
Assault Victims Protecting Others
I read in the weekend paper about a 45-year-old woman who had been repeatedly
molested by a minister when she was a small girl. As an adult she reported
the matter to the relevant church. It was covered up. Nothing was done
about it
The Guilt of Sexual Assault
I don't think I have ever encountered a client with a history of sexual
assault who has not had issues with guilt. Whether the assault happened
during the adult years or in childhood, the specter of guilt is never
far from the surface
Anger and Sexual Abuse
In The Guilt of Sexual Abuse we looked at the issue of guilt and how
it is such a common phenomena as to be almost expected after an incident
of sexual assault. In this extended article we will look at the anger
also associated with this insidious crime... (Read
Sexual Assault:
Denying Your Anger at the Perpetrator
One would expect that when a person has been sexually assaulted, the
victim of the crime would be extremely angry at the perpetrator. But
the act of sexual assault has such a profound effect on a person that
what one might expect should happen, doesn't necessarily happen that
way at all... (Read
When Outing Your
Father for Child Rape Breaks Up Your Family
Sadly fathers do rape their own children and sometimes they even rape
their infant children. They can even rape several daughters over a period
of years. Although this is a crime involving a prison sentence, many
perpetrators go undisclosed... (Read
Sexual Assault:
The Perpetrator, the Victim and the Representative of Justice
In all cases of sexual assault, there is the perpetrator and the victim.
In some cases, there is an introduction of a third party: the representative
of justice. The latter only comes into the picture when the victim reports
the crime, which according to available statistics, is in the minority.
This means that most crimes of a sexual nature go unreported... (Read