Articles on Substance Abuse Disorders

Positive Proof: Marijuana Can Trigger Psychosis
British doctors at King’s College London have provided positive proof via brain scans that marijuana triggers psychotic symptoms in some people, a belief long suspected but finally proven in recent studies... (Read More)

Childhood behavioral problems and binge drinking
A comprehensive study involving more than 1600 participants has established a significant link between behavioral problems in childhood and subsequent adolescent binge drinking... (Read more)

The link between IQ, binge drinking, and hangovers
In What does IQ really mean? we looked at what an IQ test actually measures and how accurately the resultant score reflects the ultimate life success of the individual... (Read more)

When Usage becomes Abusage: Recreational Drugs
Substance-Related Disorders form the one group of psychiatric conditions that cause the majority of self-harm, emotional turmoil, family hardship, and financial woes: much more so than other psychiatric disorders... (Read more)

Smoking and Other Addictions Exposed
Most of us have met someone who smokes and despite considerable effort, just cannot manage to shake the habit. Perhaps you are one of them. Scientists have known for many years that some people are able to give up nicotine and other potentially addictive substances with relative ease... (Read more)

When Substance Abuse becomes Substance Dependence
Substance dependence is usually called addiction, and we customarily use the term to describe people who seem enslaved to the substance concerned. Yet there is much disagreement among experts as to just what constituents substance dependence... (Read more)

Is It Really Substance Abuse?
In "When Usage becomes Abusage" we looked at the enormous emotional and financial cost of substance abuse. But how do you know when someone is really abusing rather than using a substance such as tobacco, alcohol or other recreational drugs? How do you know when the person you love is in trouble? (Read more)

Diagnostic Criteria for Substance Dependence
When we last visited the topic of Substance Abuse we looked at the diagnostic criteria for substance abuse. Today we look at substance dependence, which differs from abuse in that the component of addiction and addictive behavior is also present... (Read more)

Street Drugs and Mental Health
Parents of teenagers often worry about their children becoming involved with drugs, and rightly so. Statistics show that, by the age of 20, the majority of young adults have either tried drugs on one or two occasions, take them on a regular basis, abuse drugs or are addicted to them… (Read more)

Stimulant Drugs: How Much Do You Know?
Drugs have become everyday commodities that parents and teenagers must learn to deal with in effective and responsible ways. As a parent, it is natural to want to protect your child from the influence of drugs, but we can't be there all the time to watch over our teenagers. And while we can adopt the "just say no!" attitude, it helps if we actually know what we are saying no to… (Read more)

Amphetamines: What Do They Do?
Originally used as a treatment for asthma and as a nasal decongestant, amphetamines were first manufactured as early as 1887. Because they suppress the appetite, amphetamines were often used to assist in weight loss. Amphetamines are still prescribes for certain forms of narcolepsy (a sleeping disorder where the person falls asleep unexpectedly) and for ADHD, Ritalin being one of the more famous amphetamines used for medical purposes today… (Read more)

Diagnostic Criteria for Amphetamine (or Related Substance) Intoxication
In previous articles, we discussed the origins, medicinal use and side effects of the amphetamine family of drugs.
The criteria for amphetamine (including speed, Ecstasy, methamphetamine, ice) intoxication as outlined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) are as follows… (Read more)

Cocaine: Effects and Uses
In our continuing series on illegal drugs, today we look at cocaine in all its available forms. Cocaine is derived from the leaves of the coca plant which is indigenous to South America. A young Sigmund Freud wrote of its properties and noted that it warded off hunger and sleep and increased powers of concentration… (Read more)

Cocaine: Side Effects and Long-term Effects
This is our second article on cocaine and looks at the common short-term side effects and long-term effects of regular usage. The effect of cocaine on the body is determined by a number of factors including how much is ingested, the purity of the supply, your weight and height, your general health, your mood at the time of ingesting the drug, your past experiences with cocaine and whether or not other drugs such as alcohol, are taken simultaneously… (Read more)

Cocaine: Tolerance, Dependence and Withdrawal
Cocaine is often taken in conjunction with other drugs to offset the negative side effects of the former. Hence tranquillizers, alcohol, marijuana, and heroin are often used to bring the user "down" and to help them sleep. This unfortunate situation means that the regular cocaine user who is dependent on the drug now finds him or herself dependent or a raft of other legal and illegal medications …(Read more)


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