Poor Treatment of Suicide Survivors

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Beth McHugh
Posts: 207
Joined: Tue May 26, 2009 9:47 am

Poor Treatment of Suicide Survivors

Post by Beth McHugh »

I have just uploaded an article I've written on some of the difficulties experienced by people who have attempted suicide and survived. It makes for disturbing reading and shows that our health professionals need to lift their game when it comes to dealing with people who are severely ill. It's frightening, but ultimately sad, because it shows that those who should be leaders and educators in the field of mental health are some of the worst offenders.

http://youronlinecounselor.com/Articles ... atment.htm

Best wishes,

ImageBeth McHugh
B.Sc (Hons). B.Psych. Dip.Sc.
Principal, Your Online Counselor
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